Top 12 Ways To Optimize Your Meta Business Manager for Success in 2024

3 min

Top 12 Ways To Optimize Your Meta Business Manager for Success in 2024

There is no better time than now to confirm that your digital marketing initiatives are on track. Specifically, it's ideal to establish a clean slate by ensuring your Meta Business Manager is well-organized and operating efficiently.

A properly managed Business Manager will improve your online visibility and play a significant role in boosting the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. In this guide, we’ll explore twelve best practices to tidy up and sustain your Meta Business Manager in the upcoming year.

1. Audit User Access

The foundation of a well-organized Meta Business Manager begins with auditing user access. Begin your cleanup process by conducting a thorough audit of all active and inactive users who have access to your business page. Review and update the permissions assigned to each team member based on their current roles.

Also be sure to remove any inactive users or those who no longer require access to the Business Manager. This not only improves security by minimizing the risk of unauthorized changes or data breaches, but also streamlines collaboration by ensuring that team members have the appropriate levels of access.

2. Update Account Information

Accurate and up-to-date account information is crucial for effective communication through the platform. Review and update your account details, including contact information, business hours, and website links. This simple step ensures that your Meta Business Manager reflects the most recent and relevant information about your business.

3. Review Ad Accounts

Take a comprehensive look at your ad accounts within Meta Business Manager. Identify and archive any outdated or underperforming campaigns. Evaluate the performance of each account, identify top-performing campaigns, and reallocate resources as needed. This step ensures that your advertising efforts are aligned with your business goals and objectives.

4. Check Facebook Page Roles

Page roles dictate the level of access and control individuals have over your Facebook Page. These roles include admins, editors, moderators, and advertisers. Remove any outdated roles or permissions that are no longer necessary, and adjust page roles to align with the current responsibilities of your team members. Maintaining accurate page roles contributes to effective content management and audience interaction.

5. Organize Content with Labels

Efficiently manage your ad campaigns, ad sets, and ads by implementing a labeling system. Try using labels to categorize and organize your content based on specific criteria. This makes it easier to track performance, identify trends, and locate specific campaigns within your Business Manager. Consistency in labeling is key to a well-organized structure.

6. Implement Business Asset Groups

For businesses managing multiple assets, implementing Business Asset Groups is a game-changer. Grouping assets like ad accounts, Pages, and Instagram accounts streamlines management and reporting. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses with diverse offerings or multiple branches.

7. Clean Up Pixels and Events

Pixel data is the lifeblood of targeted advertising. Regularly clean up unused or obsolete pixels and events to ensure accurate data tracking. This optimization step enhances the precision of your ad targeting and improves the overall effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns.

8. Monitor Billing and Payments

A well-optimized Meta Business Manager extends beyond creative and strategic elements to include financial oversight. Regularly monitor billing and payments to prevent disruptions to your ad campaigns. Address any issues promptly and ensure a seamless flow of financial transactions.

9. Explore New Features

Meta Business Manager continually evolves with new features and tools, so stay informed about the latest updates! Explore new features that can enhance your marketing strategy.

Being an early adopter of innovative tools gives your business a competitive edge in the digital landscape – not to mention, Meta often gives an algorithmic advantage to those who adopt their newest features!

10. Educate Your Team

Knowledge is a powerful tool. Invest in educating your team about the latest trends, features, and best practices within Meta Business Manager. A well-informed team is more equipped to make strategic decisions and extract maximum value from the platform. Consider organizing training sessions or providing resources to keep everyone informed with the best practices outlined in this guide.

11. Backup Data

Data is invaluable, and safeguarding it should be a top priority. Regularly backup your data within Meta Business Manager to prevent data loss due to unforeseen circumstances. This precautionary step ensures that your marketing efforts are backed by a reliable and secure data foundation.

12. Stay Compliant

Always maintain a strong adherence to Meta's advertising policies, and regularly review these policies to ensure that your content complies with the platform's guidelines. 

Stay informed about any updates to policies and make necessary adjustments to your campaigns. Adhering to Meta's policies is essential to avoid potential issues and ensure the longevity of your advertising presence on the platform.


By incorporating these twelve best practices, you'll be ready to kick off the new year with a well-organized and optimized Meta Business Manager. These strategies not only boost the efficiency of your digital marketing endeavors, but also play a pivotal role in the overall success of your business on the platform!

Ready to take your digital marketing efforts to the next level? Reach out to our team and let us help you achieve unparalleled digital marketing success.