As Digital Marketers there are many different elements that we have to track, manage, and juggle in order to achieve our clients’ success. This is why we use Google Data Studio!

Through this platform we are able  to keep track of leads and calls generated from services such as CallRail, Google Analytics , and much more. These sources of information transfer data into our Dashboards and is refreshed and updated every 12 hours, guaranteeing the most up to date, relevant information.

On this page you will get a short and simple walk through some of our Dashboard practices and metrics to evaluate your business’ success.



The Overview Page is a great page to take a look at when you want a general view of the call leads, form leads, and website visits your business is gaining.

These leads are pulled from a system called CallRail.

Note: In case you are not sure of the benefits CallRail has on your business make sure to check out our CallRail Support Page for more information.

The great thing about this page is that you can even take a look at the source those leads came from, whether it was from your website or a campaign!



Now that you have an idea of the general information regarding your incoming leads, you can move onto the Leads Breakdown Page.

Here you are able to clearly define source, total calls, missed calls, first time callers, and even the worth of those leads.

This is an important page to take a look at because it shows you the ROI of your digital efforts.

You also take a deeper dive into your form submission, which just like with calls, help you understand the ROI of specific campaigns and SEO practices.

For a deeper dive into what these metrics mean check out the video below explaining each metric into detail.



On the Website Breakdown tab you will be able to find information about your website activity, all pulled from Google Analytics.

This means that you are able to see the source of the visit (organic, facebook, google ads, etc.) and the top landing pages per session.

These metrics give you a good idea of what kind of content your potential customers are looking at on your website. What’s even better, you can have an idea of the locations of the audience you are hitting.

This kind of information allows you to target desired geo-locations more easily throughout your digital efforts.



Finally, we have the Key Terms tab. While this is self explanatory, it is important that you take a look at it. Often times communication between marketer and client is broken because of a lack of vocab mastery.

By adding a Key Terms tab we ensure that you understand every important piece of information we provide to you throughout the dashboard walkthrough.

You can always let us know if you need more key terms added for your benefit, our goal is to have the smoothest and most transparent communication throughout this whole process.

If you want a more detailed breakdown of these tabs checkout the video below:



While we could simply send you emails weekly with this kind of data, having a physical more visual breakdown of all this information makes it easier to understand ROI.

Our team works diligently every week managing, updating and reporting on your dashboards to make sure you get the best quality lead data that can benefit your business’ success.

If you want to learn more about Dashboard creations and it’s management make sure to contact our experts at Deksia