How Consumer Pathways Allow You To Pivot Into Success
How Consumer Pathways Allow You To Pivot Into Success
Without developing quality consumer pathways, you’re forcing yourself to be very reactive instead of proactive in your approach to marketing. In my opinion, a reactive approach causes problems because it doesn’t allow business owners to assemble and follow a strategy. It just leaves them guessing, and who wants to play a guessing game versus an intelligence-based conversation that uses data and analytics?
Data and analytics are a big piece of the process. If we have a pathway that we’re starting to work through, we’ll have data and information to pivot off of if we need to do so. The benefits of developing consumer pathways is they give you direction, the ability to measure that direction and the ability to see how you can pivot off of that direction. It’s really all about measurement and a proactive approach, and giving you the chance to modify if necessary. If you haven’t developed a system, how can you know whether something works if you don’t do it the same way every time? Consumer pathways developed with business intelligence provides real results and real data you can use to avoid resorting to guesswork.
What’s interesting is the thing business owners light up about the most when you talk about consumer pathways is that they provide clear, concise goals so there’s no guesswork as to who should be doing what, and in what order. It gives them the tools and direction to enact real change for their businesses. Even if a pathway doesn’t work, we can check our work to see why something didn’t work, and use it to create stronger, streamlined pathways going forward.
When trying to create consumer pathways for your company, it’s important to employ both traditional and outside the box ideas. You need a baseline for revenue generators, but you also need to try different things that have the potential to set you apart from your competition. One of the nice things about baseline consumer pathways is that once we’ve proven that they work, we can make small changes that can add 5% to a company’s bottom line.
It’s like how every football team has an opening drive. They always have it completely planned out and know exactly how it’s going to go all the way. As they run it, if things just aren’t working they pivot and make a move from there. Then, before the next game, they look at what happened to their opening drive last time to determine where the mistakes were and how they can pivot for the next time.